When shall we three meet again
Actually sooner than you think. Today we got the good news that Zoe can join her friends Emma and Lucia at Iluka day care in Bondi as of next week. Maybe even for a fancy dress party. It's been really tough finding a day care place, with waiting lists years long - also for Iluka where we really wanted to send Zoe to as the two other girls love it there. Not that we aren't happy with Sandy, the mum who takes care of Zoe and a couple of other kids three days a week. But because it's only six hours (from 9-3), closes during the frequent school holidays and Vivien and I both work full time now, it has been getting increasingly tough to juggle times. Speaking of work, check out the view Vivien gave up in favour of a new job in Ryde (somewhere over the horizon)...
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