oma is in town
Zoe´s Oma Birgit has braved the 24-hour flight marathon to visit us in Sydney. She´s been great dealing with Zoe and has been extremely helpful in Vivien´s two busiest work weeks in years. Oma loves our back yard, also because it is the only place where she´s allowed to smoke, so a lot of Zoe´s playtime has moved outdoors. When she´s not making a splash in that little pool she´s rapidly outgrowing, she is busy exploring the nooks and crevices of the yard or trying to scale the stairs to our back door, ensuring that Oma is on her feet most of the time. The weather has been so-so over the past week, with a scorching 33-degree day followed by a temperature plunge to 18 degrees accompanied by wind and rain.
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