sometime in the late afternoon, the so-called grizzly hours begin. this is the time in the day in which it is for some reason particularly difficult to settle a baby. zoe´s grizzly hours can last anywhere from two to five hours. she doesn´t necessarily cry all the time, she just doesn´t want to sleep. but she can also be quite a pain in the ass. one way to deal with her grizzliness is to stick her in this 5-metre-sling that we got from s

ome very friendly german neighbours and just carry her around in it. she usually dislikes the first couple of minutes, but as soon as I start walking, the body warmth plus the motion plus covering her up and making it dark will put her to sleep quickly. can happen as fast as in one or two minutes, which is quite amazing considering that she´ll have stubbornly refused to sleep before the sling. after a little walk, I can come back home and even work at the computer with her still in the sling. in the first picture she´d just woken up and started sucking my t-shirt. no milk there.