Tuesday, March 28, 2006
today zoe had her last check up before we head overseas. she weighed in at a massive 7.1 kg (90%), with a length of 67.5 cm (97%) and her head circumference was 41.5 cm (50%). strange that these three measurements can be so vastly varied on the percentile scale but the nurse assured me all is within normal limits! wonder how zoe's growth will react to all the yummy german, italian and austrian influenced mothers milk!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006

before boarding our flight to armidale marc taught zoe all about flying... the flight went surprisingly well. a few confused looks, a cuddle followed by a nap and we were already in armidale.
in armidale we met up with mum and dad...
lisi and the lovely jarrott family (forgot to take a photo of the whole family!)...
alot of our time was spent with zoe practicing to be a model, getting oodles of cuddles and being taught lots of new songs by mary.
zoe didn't know what to make of armidale frisbee...
upon leaving the fields zoe was still confused, i had regained my composure but mum was still questioning 'home', 'away' and where your bags go?!?
the flight back proved to be a tad more trying, with lots of whining and boob refusal. zoe was very happy to be greeted by the familiar surrounds of her change table matt, some nappy free time and that salty scent in the bondi air.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
the other night we were standing in the kitchen, preparing one of our usual late dinners, when there was a loud thud in the living room, followed by two seconds of silence - and then a high-pitched squeal. what could have happened? we had left zoe lying on her big comfy blanket, in the middle of the room. looked safe. but we underestimated her urge to move. so she actually roled over not only once but twice and and in the process cleared the blanket, landing on the floor boards. nothing serious, but enough to upset her. some soothing words and a bit of distraction by being carried around quickly did the trick. still, little over a week ago, she hardly managed to turn over onto her stomach - now she's already rolling around. before we know it she'll be chasing the boys...