Zoes Seiten

Monday, September 25, 2006


so zoe can now say mama, dada but not necessarily to either one of us to get our attention and hello....not that i have heard her say hello! uncle marc and a friend of ours, tom, were babysitting a bunch of kids when tom apparently said hello to zoe and she replied with a hello of her own. both tom and marc claim it was as clear as day. but the cutest word of all has to be mooo every time she sees a cow in one of her books!

so grown up

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

no longer tooth challenged

unlike most other babies zoe now has a bottom (right, incase you want the specifics) tooth and a matching top tooth (also right). she still is very unsure about what to do with them other than trying them out on her fingers and my breasts! however i must admit she has only done it once or twice. perhaps my yelps of pain were so shocking that she didn't want a repeated of that!


now if this isn't a multi-tasking father i don't know what is!