Put socks on
"Put socks on," was not only a wise recommendation as it was pretty chilly outside where Vivien was heading, it was also Zoe's first discernible sentence, at least in our presence. She's been babbling away at high speed for quite a while now but apart from the odd word in English and sometimes in German it's still very much Zoespeak. Her vocabulary is expanding, though, you just sometimes need a while to figure out what
exactly she means. For example, the other day in the park she excitedly kept repeating "wawwee" - turns out that's daycare code for a bird (the kids were scared of a noisy white cockatoo, so Sandy decided to name it - Wally - and that helped). And today she squeezed out a "saw-wee" for the first time, apologizing for being a bit too rough. I of course haven't given up my German ambitions and am happy to say that she has moved beyond "tschüüüsss" (bye). She will on occasion demand a "nusss" (nut) and if she spills something her t-shirt may get "nasss" (wet). And she accepts that when she mentions her beloved bus to Papa then she just has to pronounce it slightly different than when Mama is around. Generally she understands heaps of both English and German, probably a lot more than we think.