Zoes Seiten

Monday, February 15, 2010

Love songs

Zoe loves her music and she loves singing, usually very loudly. It can be Abba, it can be Bruder Jakob - or it can be a self-composed song. This is one of the current favourites:

Skalink-a-dink-a-dink, I love you,
I love you in the morning, and I love you at night
skalink-a-dink-a-dink, I love you.

Maybe she was thinking of little Sebastian (not baby Sebastian anymore...) when she came up with that. He's on the photo just behind her, and when she grows up Zoe wants to marry him. Or Phoenix. Or Garth.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Hunter heat

Oma came for her annual trip to Sydney and we took her on a weekend trip to the Hunter Valley, where we stayed at cozy little B&B called Elfin Hill. Unfortunately we picked the hottest day of the year, with temperatures nudging 40 degrees. It was stifling, but luckily air-condition in the rooms was working and we had a pool with cool water.