Zoes Seiten

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Meet the three noisiest residents of our house, Zoe, Lucia and Garth. There are four flats in the building, three of them inhabited by screaming, stomping, squealing two-and-a-half year olds. In the remaining flat, incidentally the one beneath ours, lives David - not a deaf grandpa but an eligible young bachelor. Poor guy. Still, he's been there since Zoe was born and even though he has grumbled a bit as noise levels rose, he's not making any real efforts to move. Oh, and how good is having an ice cream with your friends in the middle of winter?
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Friends in frocks

There's very little that beats face-painting these days... This was at a recent street festival in Newcastle, where Zoe got to hang out with her friend Gemma.
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