We spent a week in beautiful Tasmania, where you get all kinds of weather from sun to snow, even on one day. You couldn't tell from the first picture, on Bruny Island, but Zoe had already been walking for nearly two hours, with another hour ahead, easily making it her longest hike ever. And there was even some altitude covered, from sea level to 400 metres and back down to 0. There were a couple of compl

aints, and we did need the occasional distraction ploy but considering she usually whinges if she is supposed to walk the two minutes to the corner store or to the beach, this was a major accomplishment. And boy was she proud afterwards. The next day we built the second snowman of the year, but who would have thought it would be in Australia. There was still a bit of snow on Mt Wellington and Zoe loved every gram she could get her hands on. Until she realised how cold the stuff is.